Reviews of 2020 will be full of ‘unprecedented’ social, political and medical matters, written about by the earnest, learned and fervid classes.

What can a ‘non-essential’ person like me add to the narrative? What can a purveyor of discretionary items bring to the party?

I have pondered this and decided the best thing I can do is tell you about a ‘sliding-doors’ day. One day, that went ahead, against the odds with perfect coincidences and a benevolent alignment of the fashion planets.

Our annual Suzanne Neville Designer Day is ALWAYS on a Thursday. It has been for more than a decade. This year, a random selection of circumstances meant it was Wednesday 4th November. As such, we scraped in the day before Lockdown 2.

I chose to debut my Vampire’s Wife for H&M dress that our Marketing Manager, Leah, got me; her tenacious commitment to page refreshing secured me one of those impossible fashion treats. My wonderful husband had bought me some MiuMiu shoes for my birthday. An extravagant gift considering he would soon be too injured to work. A lifetime of expert craftmanship and our decent, steady, non-bridal income gone in a catastrophic injury. I had my beret, I had Mad Lilies flowers, I had a new photographer in Voyteck, I had happy clients and the UK’s most famous bridal designer in attendance.

As I was twirling around in the golden light for some ‘character’ photos, I noticed that Paul Weller was next door at Nest having a coffee. We have always been on smiling and nodding terms. We both own businesses in the village. I have never thought to ask for a photo… Too gauche, too uncool… I mean, I am the Modfather of Bridal, right?

Leah has asked me why I haven’t wanted to share the pictures yet. Simply, because, I wanted to save them, to cheer me up on a dark day. One day I would need them to remind myself that good days happen.

As my non-essential business remains shut, as we have just left Europe, as my beloved wedding industry peers and fabulous brides continue to be left without a roadmap, as my hospitality friends suffer, I decided that today would be the day to share a remarkable set of coincidences.

Nothing I do is essential, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t valuable and valued. It seems hard to get the message across to the Government. Perhaps co-opting a working class hero from Woking might get more attention. Senior style icons of Surrey unite!

Good days happen, fashion is fun and rock stars are cool.

I want 2021 to be full of all the things that the UK is good at; art, music, parties, food and frocks. I think we excel at the non-essential and I would urge the Government to take notice. Join in with the conversation at @missbushbridal and show your support with the hashtag #whataboutweddings.

Emma x

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